Wednesday, August 17, 2011


     IF YOU CANT LIE DONT START! This is the first thing I tell anyone who comes to me for advice on how to lie, cheat, and steal. I wasnt a pro but I was pretty good. People might say im messed up or mean even heartless but people have no idea that it was how I was raised. Before I knew that lying cheating and stealing were wrong I had a few years doing it. Now don't go thinking my mom that taught me to do this because it wasnt, it was my father. Yep it was him. 

Now why would he teach me all this?! well because I was his backup. As far as I can remember I can lie to my mom, my brothers, teachers, bosses and police. Since they would believe me I learned that I can get away with almost anything. My father had me lie to officers before I was in kindergarten. I didn't know better. I just knew that my father couldn't get in trouble. So because my father would get in trouble with the law alot I had to be the one  backing up what ever story he came up with of how and why he had certain things or why he was at certain places and what he was doing. I won't go into details now. I can do that later.

Anyways I explain to the person who wishes to lie and get away with whatever they want that they have to lose there conscience. Doing this helps like you have no idea. If you start a lie you can not feel bad about it.  You will have to be prepared to say any thing and everything so they will believe you and so you can get away with it. This is the reason why my number one rule is if you cant lie better not to start.  Some lies are just hard on the conscience. You start feeling guilty and start thinking about it and start feeling terrible.  Once that starts you start losing it and slip somewhere, then you try to cover it up and then its exposed and your looked at someone that is not trust worthy or maybe worse.  This can not happen.  You loose credibility and you will forever be labeled a liar. Never trusted again. This can not happen.

If they do decide to go on well I have them explain the situation. Every situation is different. Every little detail is important. So you analyze the situation. Ok now consider the consequences. Are you prepared to face them? Do you think you can get away with it? do you have a back up if your lie doesn't stick?  Do you believe the lie? Can it actually happen? Can you live with it? and is it worth it?  If you answered no any of the questions, then don't start.

This is what I tell and explain to someone when they ask for advice on lieing. One lie is never just one lie! There will always be another one and another for it to cover the first one. So think about it.

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